may be a web-based Xdebug identification frontend for PHP like
kcachegrind. Webgrind provides a straightforward PHP-powered
interface for examining the output of XDebug’s identification
reports, for a fast and easily summary of the performance prices in
varied areas of your PHP
Track time spent in functions by
self-cost or inclusive cost. Inclusive cost is time inside function
+ calls to other functions.
See if time is spent in internal or
user functions.
See where any function was called from
and which functions it calls.
Xdebug is an Open source PHP extension
for code debugging and identification. Installation is simple and
it'll give you with a wealth of knowledge regarding your code, while
not being intrusive.
The debug information that Xdebug can
provide includes the following:
stack and function traces in error
messages with:
1- Full parameter display for user
defined functions
2- Function name, file name and line
3- Support for member functions
4- Memory allocation
5- Protection for infinite recursions
6- Profiling information for php
7- Code coverage analysis
8- Capabilities to debug your scripts
interactively with a debugger front-end
Gubed PHP Debugger
Gubed PHP Debugger is a program to
debug PHP scripts.It currently supports stepping through code,
watching contents of variables and setting breakpoints (line and
conditional). No changes are needed to server software or scripts
being debugged.As the name implies, Gubed PHP Debugger is a PHP
debugging tool for hunting down logic errors.
It is a native debugger. Works
transparently, neither script nor PHP engine modifications required.
1- Its server part (DGB module) runs
on all platforms where PHP itself runs.
2- It works transparently across the
global network as well as locally.
3- JIT. When enabled it can start
debugging Just in Time when an error happens.
It supports back-trace, e.g. displays
a list of all procedures with their local variables, the current
execution position reached from. In other words you can watch local
variables or functional parameters in all active and nested scopes.
1- It allows changing execution point
(commercial version only).
2- It has embedded profiler, so now
it's easy to find out a bottleneck in the scripts.
3- It allows multiple debugger
processes running simultaneously.
PHP_Debug is an open-source project
that gives you useful information about your PHP code that can be
used for debugging. It can output processing times of your PHP and
SQL, check the performance of particular code blocks and get variable
dumps in graphical form, which is great if you need a more visual
output than the one given to you by print_r() or var_dump().
PHP_Dyn is a PHP Extension to help
debugging a PHP script.You can get execution trace of scripts not to
need change them. HTTP request parameter can be printed. Argument
value of the function call and return value can be printed.
MacGDBp is a live PHP debugger
application for the Mac OS. It has all the features you’d expect
from a fully featured debugger, such as the ability to step through
your code and set breakpoints.Remote Debugging PHP on Mac OS X using
MacGDBp. A debugger is one of the most powerful development tools
available. However, with PHP, debugging a site can be tricky. A lot
of times, the host you need to debug is remote. This is also known as
MAMP (MacOS Apache MySQL, PHP) package. Debugging your PHP Code:
XDebug on MAMP with TextMate and MacGDBp Support.
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question with our Dedicated
PHP Developer or well known PHP
Development Company. We have
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